An Unexpected Leader              

Now the city shall be doomed by the Lord to destruction, it and all who are in it. Only Rahab the harlot shall live, she and all who are with her in the house, because she hid the message that we sent.  (Joshua 6:17)

Leadership is looked at by many as a title or even as a rank in some cases.  In this verse Rehab is a prostitute and was viewed bad by
the world but God chose to work through her.  I am a strong believer in your title having little to do with your ability to lead or influence people.  Most people are in leadership positions because they paid their dues and were as strong of leaders and contributors at the bottom as they are at the top.  The characteristics of a leader should not change as their title changes or their pay increases.  While your responsibilities and your ability to impact the company’s overall business objectives change is that any different than the pride passion and commitment the guy on assembly line A7 makes every day?  They both impact the business one is just more publicly scrutinized in the event he falters (Which is bound to happen).

In order to lead you have to have the responsibility, accountability, and authority if you look at these in the simplest terms everyone can be a leader.  With God’s help and a commitment to being excellent at whatever we do all of us can build influence in our work, home, and communities. It’s Saturday morning and the baby’s getting up so time to lead him to the changing table.  Have a great weekend everyone.

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